
Sports are an integral part of the school day and the girls look forward to this time when they can be with friends and have fun, as well as learn about fair play, sharing sportsmanship, team spirit and how to accept losing to a better player gracefully. They are also encouraged to never give up and learn the importance of failure to be a stepping stone to success.

The day begins with morning conditioning exercises, yoga and aerobics and ends with different games like badminton, basketball, table-tennis, swimming, karate, athletics, shooting, cycling and chess. We have well- trained and experienced coaches for these sports. The girls’ safety is of utmost importance and each activity is supervised by the coach and other staff.

The school hosts the Dehradun district junior (under- 12) basketball competition every year. The children regularly participate in District, State and National events in athletics, march-past, basketball, table-tennis, shooting, yoga and swimming.